dopely colors

What's new.


Color Blind Simulator


Image Color Overlay


Adjust Image Hue


Explore Pantone Colors


Explore Material Colors


Color & Photos Explore

Sometimes we need a set of colors in the form of a palette to design, but we do not have it. One of the best things to do is to take inspiration from the surroundings and even the images to create the perfect color palette.

Dopely has made it very easy for you to reach this goal. You can inspect an infinite number of color palettes taken from images in color & photos explore. Your exploration can be based on both time and the popularity of those photo palettes. So, you can find the color palette you want from an image. Also, you can upload your own images to extract its color combination.

If you selected an image from the available images but did not like its color palette, you can edit it and select the colors you want on that image. Or in the palette generator, change it again and create a new color palette. Finally, do not forget that you can like, download and save your color palette and share it for others to use.