Dopely Colors
dopely colors

What's new.


Color Blind Simulator


Image Color Overlay


Adjust Image Hue


Explore Pantone Colors


Explore Material Colors

copy the color code #c93647 icon
copy the color code #29b50d icon
copy the color code #cbc16f icon
copy the color code #805466 icon
copy the color code #3d6364 icon
copy the color code #4b8480 icon
copy the color code #826657 icon
copy the color code #444390 icon
copy the color code #7d89a4 icon
copy the color code #5c495f icon
copy the color code #5b3882 icon
copy the color code #50a577 icon
copy the color code #a56c8a icon
copy the color code #d79e84 icon
copy the color code #5cc866 icon

Color Palette generator

A color palette is a combination of colors used by designers when designing. When used correctly, color palettes form your brand and product visual foundation, help maintain consistency, and make your design aesthetically pleasing and enjoyable to use.

Dopely's color palette generator (color palette maker) helps you to create your color palette quickly and easily You can use the dice to generate cool and random color palettes, or if you want to handle things manually you can use the built-in color tool to create your color palette and save them into your profile or share them with your teammates.

Need to create or extract your color palette from images? you can click on the camera Icon, choose your images and see the magic happens.

The color palette generator is one of the most popular tools in the dopely color tools kit and we've integrated it with our color wheel tool, color toner tool, color-blind simulator, color picker, and explores. So without leaving the page you use those tools easily.

Dopely free online color palette explorer have millions of idea to get inspire to choose your color combinationA color palette sample made with Dopely free online tool with gradient and hex codeChoosing the desired color shade, tint and tone for your color palette