Weekly Color Palette Inspiration


Finding the right color combination can be the key to making your creation stand out. It is one of the most important steps in creating a polished appearance. And this is exactly where color palette inspiration can help you. Using a color palette can make it easier to find the right color for your design.

The colors you use in your projects can give them meaning. The meaning of each color is different. The use of color palettes allows you to grab the attention of users. In addition, set the correct mood for a project, and use content more effectively.

You can use a color palette to inspire your designs and make them more attractive.

So I’m here to show you the amazing color palettes that are made by Dopely Color Palette Generator.

1st Color Palette Inspiration: Black Horse On The Plains!

Color palette inspiration with: Valencia (D7485A) + Neon Carrot (FD9D2E) + Dark Green (000410) + Mountain Meadow (0EB69C)

color palette inspiration by Dopely color palette generator Valencia (D7485A) + Neon Carrot (FD9D2E) + Dark Green (000410) + Mountain Meadow (0EB69C)

2nd Color Palette Inspiration: Grass and Cerulean Sky!

Color palette inspiration with: Goldenrod (CADC64) + Java (29A6A6) + Dark Cerulean (0C576C) + Dark Green (020F1F)

color palette inspiration Goldenrod (CADC64) + Java (29A6A6) + Dark Cerulean (0C576C) + Dark Green (020F1F)

3rd Color Palette Inspiration: Pale Gums!

Color palette inspiration with: Chenin (D8C171) + Manz (D3E45A) + Nepal (96B8BF) + Burnt Sienna (EB7E5F)

color palette inspiration  Chenin (D8C171) + Manz (D3E45A) + Nepal (96B8BF) + Burnt Sienna (EB7E5F)

4th Color Palette Inspiration: Cucumber in Front of Camera!

Color palette inspiration with: Chelsea Cucumber (81B36B) + Ship Cove (828AAF) + Medium Turquoise (48D9CD) + Harvest Gold (E8C16D)

color palette inspiration Chelsea Cucumber (81B36B) + Ship Cove (828AAF) + Medium Turquoise (48D9CD) + Harvest Gold (E8C16D)

5th Color Palette Inspiration: Colorful Smartieses!

Color palette inspiration with: Deep Cerise (E147AB) + Cream Can (F0C753) + Royal Blue (4256E2) + Light Sea Green (16BAA9)

color scheme Deep Cerise (E147AB) + Cream Can (F0C753) + Royal Blue (4256E2) + Light Sea Green (16BAA9)

6th Color Palette: A Glass of Cantaloupe Juice!

Color palette inspiration with: Canary (F8FEB3) + Mindaro (C8F274) + Shamrock (3DE78B) + Granny Smith (7D9E8D)

color scheme Canary (F8FEB3) + Mindaro (C8F274) + Shamrock (3DE78B) + Granny Smith (7D9E8D)

7th Color Palette: Smoothie Near the Pool!

Color palette inspiration with: Sunshade (F6A444) + Burnt Sienna (EE534E) + Oxford Blue (262D37) + Astral (337B89)

color scheme Sunshade (F6A444) + Burnt Sienna (EE534E) + Oxford Blue (262D37) + Astral (337B89)

8th Color Palette: Salmon in the Osean!

Color palette inspiration with: Salmon (FF7F76) + Wild Watermelon (F95071) + Kingfisher Daisy (5B2D87) + Medium Purple (B178DF)

color scheme Salmon (FF7F76) + Wild Watermelon (F95071) + Kingfisher Daisy (5B2D87) + Medium Purple (B178DF)

9th Color Palette: Jellyfish!

Color palette inspiration with: Azalea (F7C1C9) + Wild Sand (EEEDE8) + Havelock Blue (4984C6) + Regal Blue (16244B)

color scheme Azalea (F7C1C9) + Wild Sand (EEEDE8) + Havelock Blue (4984C6) + Regal Blue (16244B)

Also, for more color palettes you can check Dopely Colors’ website or Instagram account.

Hope you like it!

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This is Zahra. I'm in love with different languages and colors. So I decided to be the messenger of the world of colors! Here in Dopely, I write about colors and I like to take you to their world with me.

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