Weekly color palette inspiration

weekly color palette inspiration by dopely colors

If you are a designer, or if you work with colors, choosing the right colors is not a new problem for you! finding the best color palettes is a really hard job and spend a long time!
But Dopely colors is here to assist you! we bring you this post as the 3rd part of weekly color palette inspiration posts, in our magazine! Hope you enjoy:

1st Color Palette: Flowers in Pampas!

Color palette inspiration with: Limerick(96AD21) + Pear(D6E83E) + California(EA9C39) + Fire Brick(B53E1E)

color palette inspiration made by dopely.top with 96AD21, D6E83E, EA9C39, B53E1E

2nd Idea: Winter!

Color Palette inspiration with: Light Grey(D8D4D5) + Kournikova(F8CB49) + Toast(9F7662) + Tabacco Brown (705747)

Color scheme with Light Grey(D8D4D5) + Kournikova(F8CB49) + Toast(9F7662) + Tabacco Brown (705747)

3rd Color palette: Water lily!

Color palette inspiration with: Kangaroo(C8C5B0) + French pass(ADCDE4) + East side(AD9CBC) + Brick red(C62F3C)

color palette idea with Kangaroo(C8C5B0) + French pass(ADCDE4) + East side(AD9CBC) + Brick red(C62F3C) by dopely colors

4th Color palette: Fire on the water!

Color palette inspiration with: Venetian Red(A20E0E) + Gamboge(EB840B) + Tacao(F6BD7C) + Regent St Blue(9DB7D8)

Color palette inspiration with: Venetian Red(A20E0E) + Gamboge(EB840B) + Tacao(F6BD7C) + Regent St Blue(9DB7D8) by dopely colors

5th idea: Soft as silk!

Color palette inspiration with: Casablanca(F1B958) + Air Force Blue(5E97A9) + Wild Sand(E9E5E4) + Cinnabar(E74648)

color scheme inspiration by dopely colors

6th Color palette: Pine tree!

Color palette inspiration with: Quill Grey(C8C4BB) + Apache(D1AD4F) + Fiji Green(616B20) + Kilamanjaro(3F3631)

Color palette inspiration with Quill Grey(C8C4BB) + Apache(D1AD4F) + Fiji Green(616B20) + Kilamanjaro(3F3631) by dopely colors

7th Color palette: Purple in tint!

Color palette inspiration with: Cherry pie(3F3155) + Contessa(BC6B72) + Cosmos(FDD8D0) + Floral White(FFFCF0)


World of colors is as huge as the world is! If this post could help you, find more ideas in Dopely colors Instagram. Enjoy!

Posted by
Faeze Behzadi

This is Faeze. I'm here in Dopely to make sure that color lovers get the most use and joy of our contents, and sometimes I write colorful contents to inspire creative people.

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