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Eat green to increase your health!

green eating

Probably the first thing that comes to mind when we think of nature is green. A soothing color that removes stress from us and shows us freshness.

That’s why I came today to talk about the effect of this color in the diet. Eating green foods and following a green diet will help keep us and the planet healthy.

So, what is eating green? Let’s find out!

What you will see in this post:
  1. What does it mean to eat green?
  2. Last words

What does it mean to eat green?

We all strive to have a healthier lifestyle.  We usually exercise for hours a day, keep our surroundings clean and meditate.  But do we pay attention to our nutrition?

This is where eating green helps you to eat healthily and make the right food decisions.  In fact, eating green means eating green foods and vegetables.

You may ask why green food?  The answer is simple, because vegetables and green fruits are rich in minerals and vitamins that help fight disease.

Here are some of them:

1. Green Lemons

These small green lemons contain antioxidants that prevent clogged arteries and help treat cancer.

2. Green Broccoli

Broccoli is a type of cabbage that is green in color. Brussels sprouts are also relatives of this green cabbage. Although these vegetables do not have a good smell and taste, they fight cancer due to their special plant compounds.

In addition to fighting cancer, Brussels sprouts also contain vitamins A, C and iron. And keeping blood pressure balanced is another function of Brussels sprouts.

3. Green Peas

Well now it’s pea turn. These green peas are rich in protein, iron, potassium and zinc. Its use is beneficial for heart health.

4. Green Artichokes

Artichoke has long been considered a symbol of fertility. Besides, this vegetable has potassium and vitamin C.

5. Green Asparagus

Green Asparagus is a diuretic. In such a way that after eating it, your urine smells bad.

But it is a source of iron, vitamin C, fiber, beta-carotene, thiamine and folate. Moreover, asparagus contains B vitamins, which can also prevent anemia.

6. Spinach

This vegetable is suitable for skin health, internal organs, slimming and some diseases. Contains vitamin A, calcium, iron, phosphorus and protein.  It also helps with heart health and insomnia treatment.

7. Kale

Kale is also a vegetable that contains vitamins A and C, iron, calcium and folic acid. If you do not like eating spinach, this cabbage is a good alternative!

8. Avocado

This attractive fruit is a source of vitamins K and C, potassium, the antioxidant lutein and folate. It has fat but fats that are not harmful to the body.  Avocados are present in most diets. It also enhances vision.

9. Kiwi

Kiwi is also called Chinese gooseberry. This fruit contains vitamin E, vitamin C, potassium and fiber. If you do not sleep well, be sure to eat kiwi because the hormone contains serotonin, which helps you sleep.

10. Green apples

Apples are also available in red and yellow colors that have their own properties. Green apples are usually eaten before breakfast because they help you lose weight and prevent diabetes. Also, apples lower blood cholesterol due to their pectin content.

11. Cucumber

Cucumber is one of the fruits that can be used in salads. In addition, cucumber is a fruit full of water, so it helps to hydrate the body.

Further, it helps to lose weight and keep skin and hair healthy. Due to the presence of potassium, it also controls blood pressure.

12. Green Bananas

Green bananas are usually cooked and used to make desserts or food. Besides, green bananas are a source of fiber, potassium, iron, vitamin C, beta-carotene and vitamin B6. Green bananas are also the best choice for improving heart rate.

13. Nopals

Another name for nopals is cactus pear, which is actually the fruit of the cactus. Indeed, its color is not real green and it tends to be yellow. Also, for people with diabetes, this fruit can lower their blood sugar.

14. Green Beans

These beans are also called string beans.  Because of the fiber in them, blood sugar is maintained and cholesterol is reduced, so its use is very useful for diabetics.

15. Edamame

Edamame is used for salads and some foods.  These soybeans contain plant protein. This protein lowers cholesterol, so, it helps with heart health.

16. Green Seaweed

Seaweed is not something that everyone loves but it is full of mineral value. In fact, it contains iron and protein that help produce hormones.

Because it naturally contains salt, it can be used instead of salt, but without sodium! It also contains zinc and zinc, which help strengthen the immune system.

17. Basil

Basil is a fragrant vegetable. Also, basil can make your food taste good. Basil contains eugenol which is very suitable for relieving inflammation.

18. Green Bell Pepper

Bell peppers are also available in yellow, red and orange, which are great for fighting cancer.  These peppers are used in food and salads. In addition, it contains vitamins C and K, beta-carotene and folate.

19. Celery

Celery is one of those vegetables whose leaves and stems can be eaten. Celery is a source of calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, vitamins C, A and K.

Eating celery relieves stomach aches, high blood pressure, bad breath, nerve disorders and rheumatism.

20. Green olives

Olive is a popular fruit that comes in two colors, black and green. Olives are rich in vitamin C, iron and copper.  

It is also useful for strengthening red blood cells, eye health, reducing cancer, natural skin treatment and improving inflammation.

Last words

As you can see, green foods are rich in nutrients and minerals. These nutrients and minerals help boost the immune system, heart health, control blood pressure and fight disease.

If you want to have a healthy lifestyle, prioritize what you eat. Green is a color that is found in abundance in nature.

Take advantage of the green foods in nature and include green foods in your diet. For more information, you can read this article.


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